Mushin Shotokan, Oldland Common

Backwell Karate. Formed in 2011 we are the one of the newest clubs in Bristol with constantly growing numbers ,classes are held weekly on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, our Dojo is located in the recently opened SBL Sports Centre, one of the newest sports centres in Bristol, featuring plenty of facilities and free parking in an very easy to find location.

We are fully affiliated member of the KUGB - Karate Union of Great Britain, a body of over 300 clubs, all of which practice Shotokan Karate. It was established in 1966 as a democratic and non-profit making organisation for the development of Shotokan Karate and is affiliated to European and World Shotokan Karate Bodies

If you would like to come along and see if Karate is the sport for you, please feel free to contact us or just come along on Wednesday evening or Sunday Morning you will find a warm and welcome atmosphere and the first lesson is free.

To visit Mushin Shotokan's website, go to

Training times


Starting at Mushin Shotokan

Find out more about starting at Mushin Shotokan, visit the club homepage.