Welcome to Bristol Karate

Bristol Karate is the umbrella name for a group of Karate Union of Great Britain (KUGB) Shotokan Karate clubs in the Bristol area. To find out more about your nearest club, click on the map below to take you to a general information page and to the club's own website.

Our map also includes KUGB clubs across the Bristol area, including Bristol Shotokan Karate Club in Horfield, Mushin Shotokan in Oldland, Nailsea Karate in Nailsea and Backwell Karate in Backwell.


Nailsea Karate Backwell Karate Bristol Shotokan Karate Club Mushin Shotokan (Oldland Common)
Nailsea Karate | Backwell Karate | Bristol Shotokan Karate Club | Mushin Shotokan (Oldland Common)